Still can't find those batteries so I am taking a page from the book of some of the other ladies and using photos that I have taken previously (these were taken between November 15th, 07 and December 20th, 07). The photos aren't amazing but they are all of my favorite photo subject (my niece Lola). My time photographing her made me really appreciate the women on Shutterbugs who take such amazing photos of their children because even with Lola in a calm mood it was hard not to take a photo that ended up a big blur. These are *all* SOC with absolutely no editing (to my memory).
#1- In this one I had given up trying to soften the flash but I just loved the look on her face.

#2- Lola in front of the Christmas tree at my Sisters. She had a horrible runny nose and I tried to get a nice photo of her with the balloon but this was the best I took. I now understand why so many people hate the flash on the camera but on anything other than a *really* sunny day it's a mandatory.

#3- Lola in a box. It originally had a large wreath that had a gift for every day between the first and 25th of December. It was sent from my Dads cousin to my step-mom. The day it arrived Lola was just in love with the box and we were picking up those packing peanuts from all over the house for a good 3 weeks. Lola did love that box.


#5- Because *everything* becomes a hat when you are 2yrs old. I love this photo because it's the only one I can really see how Lola has my Dads eyes.

#6- The lighting is just completely messed but she looks so innocent here. I think she was looking at one of the cats with the intention of chasing them while laughing like a maniac.

I also have more photos on my